Introducing HTML

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and it is the is a language used to develop Websites or Pages. HTML is also Known as markup language.
Like author languages HTML also code.  
Hypertext refers to a text by clicking on that text the user redirect to linked document.
Markup Language HTML is also markup language because its tags tells the web browser How to display the content withhin tags.
What is an html File?
HTML is a format that tells a computer how to display a web page. The documents themselves are
plain text files with special "tags" or codes that a web browser uses to interpret and display
information on your computer screen.
 ƒ  HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
·          ƒ  An HTML file must have an .htm or .html file extension
Why is HTML important?
   HTML is the foundation of all Web pages.
   For the same reasons we learn how to perform mathematical operations long-hand before we use a     calculator, learning HTML can be useful.
   Because HTML pages (Web pages)are really just text-files they can be created with a simple text- 
     editor (Notepad, WordPad, Text Pad, SimpleText, Write). HTML editors may not always be available,warranting the use of a text-editor.
HTM or HTML Extension?
When you save an HTML file, you can use either the .htm or the .html extension. The .htm extension
comes from the past when some of the commonly used software only allowed three letter extensions.
It is perfectly safe to use either.html or .htm, but be consistent. My page.htm and mypage.html are
treated as different files by the browser
Anatomy of an HTML Tag
HTML tags are pre-defined elements written between less than (<) and greater than (>) signs, also
known as angle brackets. There is usually an opening and closing tag. The affected text is contained
within the two tags.

Many tags have special attributes that offer a variety of options for the contained text. The attribute is
entered between the element word and the final greater than symbol.
Attributes also have values. These values are the parameters by which the attributes behave (the
value of the attribute defines the attribute). Values should been closed in quotation marks.
The text affected by this particular FONT tag will be displayed using an Arial font-face.
Nested Tags
You may want to modify your page contents with more than one tag. For example, you may want to
add bold formatting to a word within a particular font tag. 
Here order is everything. Whenever you use a closing tag it should corresponding to the last unclosed
opening tag. In other words, first A then B, then /B, and then /A.


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