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Evolution of Object Oriented Programming Approach

The various categories of programming approaches are classified as follows.
a) Monolithic Programming Approach.
b) Procedural Programming Approach.
c) Structured  Programming Approach.
d) Object Oriented Programming Approach.

Monolithic Programming Approach

In Monolithic Programming Approach the program consist of sequence of statements that modify data which is global throughout the whole program.The Program control is achieved through the use of jumps (i.e. goto statements) and code is duplicated each time as there is no support for the function.Data is not fully protected.So this approach is usefull for developing small and simple programs.The programming languages like ASSEMBLY and BASIC follow this approach.

Procedural Programming Approach 

Procedural Programming Approach is top down approach in which program is divided into functions that perform a specific task.Data is global and all the functions can access the global data.Program flow control is achieved throw the use of jumps and function calls.This approach avoid the repetition of code.The programming languages like FORTRAN and COBOL follow this approach.

Structured  Programming Approach

The basic principal of  Structured  Programming Approach is to divide a program into functions and  modules.Each module has set of related functions.The programming languages like PASCAL and C follow this approach.

Object Oriented Programming Approach

The Object Oriented Programming Approach came to remove some of the flaws encountered int procedural approach for designing large and complex programs.The basic principal of Object Oriented Programming Approach is to combine both data and functions that operate on that data into a single unit.Such a unit is called an object.


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